Hadlow Down Village Hall
Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HQ

The Short Mat Bowls Club
The Short Mat Bowls Club is a very friendly Club which participates in the 2nd Division of the Wealden League involving both home and away matches against 11 local Clubs between October and March. The Club meets regularly on a Tuesday evening in the Village Hall between 7.00pm and 10.00pm throughout the year. It is important for us all to encourage local enthusiasm for this enjoyable and social sport for all ages and if you are looking for friendship, cheap entertainment and gentle healthy exercise, give it a try - nothing ventured, nothing gained. We can provide bowls initially and all you need is suitable flat soled shoes or play in stockinged feet. More 'seasoned' players are also welcome, in fact age means nothing in this game. Give the Chairman, Gwen Smith a ring on 01435 810045
Hadlow Down Variety Club
Hadlow Down Variety Club was founded in 1982 and since then has performed annual Variety shows, highly popular pantomimes and Murder Mysteries Dinner evenings.
We have over 40 lively and charismatic members ranging in age from 8 to 79 and are always looking for new members to join us, whether it is to act, sing, dance, sew costumes, stage-manage, work on lighting and sound, paint scenery, design posters and programmes, cook for our Murder Mystery Dinner evenings, make tea………. In fact there’s something for everyone and plenty of fun too! Do come and join us!
Contact Glenys Lake - Chair. 01825 830857, Email hdvarietyclub@gmail.com or vc@hadlowdown.com
TN22 Club and TN22 Plus Club
The TN22 Club provides a warm and welcoming environment to meet and make new friends whilst enjoying a delicious two course lunch. Members enjoy a variety of activities including: quizzes, talks, music, art sessions, entertainment and much more plus outings in the Spring and Summer. The Club is for the over 60s - meeting on alternate Wednesdays at the Hadlow Down Village Hall. Volunteer transport can be provided (extra charge) and the club day costs £10. Please call Julie to book your place – why not join with a friend this year? Julie's number is: 07747 635667
The TN22 Plus Club runs on alternate Wednesdays at Hadlow Down Village Hall and is tailored for those with memory loss/ moderate dementia needs. The Club runs from 10.30am – 3.30pm with personalised activities and a high ratio of helper support. Carers can also attend if they wish. With an emphasis on friendship and fun – our members generally settle in very quickly and all enjoy the freshly cooked and nutritious lunch! Transport can be arranged on request (extra charge) and the cost for the day is £55. Please contact Wendy on: 07961 450357. We can also offer a reduced price trial day if you would like to come and meet us first and see what both Clubs have to offer.
The Club relies on the help of a wonderful band of willing volunteers – if you could spare a few hours once or twice a month both managers would love to hear from you!
For more information on what we do our website is: tn22clubs.org we are also on facebook, visit
us at www.facebook.com/TN22clubs/