Hadlow Down Village Hall
Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HQ

Terms and Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the following terms and conditions and the Premises Licence are understood and adhered to. You will be asked to accept the terms and conditions when booking,
The Hall Trustees reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time
Please note that Annual Village events will take priority over any other booking, therefore it may sometimes be necessary to cancel a date if part of a block booking. Advance notice will be given (14 days notice) being the minimum.
Information for Hirers
The Hall has a valid Premises Licence (on display on the Hall notice board) allowing the performance of Plays, Films, Dances and non-alcoholic refreshments.
The Hall also has a valid Music Licence allowing the playing of live music and recorded music up to the hours of 11pm.
To obtain a licence for the sale of alcohol, the Hirer must a apply for a TEMPORARY EVENT NOTICE (TEN), from Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX, this notice can be downloaded from the Wealden website.
Making a Booking, Cancellation and Payment.
Bookings may only be made by persons over the age of 21 years.
Hirers/would-be Hirers may, and should, check the calendar on the Hadlow Down Village Hall website http://www.hadlowdownvillagehall.org to establish when the Hall is available and to ensure that their bookings are correctly represented. Provisional bookings can then be made online using the calendar.
To secure a booking for a "one off" event - a deposit will be requested at the time of confirmation together with full payment. The deposit and payment need to be made within 7 days of receipt of invoice.
Children's parties (under teenage) are expected to be during daytime sessions and shall be charged accordingly.
For regular/block booking hirers, payment shall be paid within 7 days of receipt of invoice
Cancellation by the Hirer less than 14 days before the event shall lead to forfeiture of the full hire fee.
Cancellations shall be made via the Bookings Secretary at villagehallsecretaryhadlowdown@gmail.com.
Single date cancellations (within a block booking) made less than 48 hours before a booked date shall be charged the full fee. 4 weeks notice of cancellation of all block bookings shall be given otherwise a full months fee shall be forfeit.
Responsibilities of the Hirer
The Hirer shall be responsible for any damage or loss to the Hall during the hire period and for the Hall being left in a reasonably clean condition.
If the Hall is left in an unsatisfactory state, or if there is loss or damage, the Hirer shall be liable and will be invoiced for the costs. If a deposit was taken, this shall be forfeit. Should the deposit not cover the total cost required, the Hirer shall be liable for the additional costs.
The Hirer shall nominate a competent person to take charge in case of Fire.
That person shall ensure that all persons in the Hall can escape unimpeded through the Fire Exits and assemble in the nominated assembly area outside the Committee Room where there is a green "fire point assembly sign" on the corner of the building
Improper operation of the extinguishers shall result in the automatic liability of the Hirer to reinstate any damage to the Hall.
Fire doors shall remain unobstructed at all times.
Hirers shall appoint a responsible person to control car parking which is permitted around the perimeter of the Hall.
Make full use of the rear of the Hall by double-parking if your party is leaving at one time. Or, use the rear for the organisers of the event who will be last to leave.
Parking is permitted in the adjacent lanes, but not on both sides of the lanes, as emergency vehicles cannot pass. Please be aware that cars must not block access to Rose Cottage and Springwell Cottages on Hall Lane.
The First Aid Kit is stored in the meter cupboards, please ensure you email villagehallsecretary@hadlowdown@gmail.com when anything used to ensure it is kept topped up.
Hirers shall be responsible for notifying the Management Committee of any breakages, issues concerning the running of the Hall. A Log is kept in the kitchen.
Hirers shall be responsible for notifying the Management Committee of any accidents, An accident book is kept in the wall cupboard in the Lobby.
Electrical equipment brought onto the Hall premises by the Hirer, or on behalf of the Hirer (i.e., Music Players, Disco Equipment etc.) must be PAT Certified.
The ignition of Fireworks in the Hall or grounds or bringing them onto the Hall site is expressly forbidden. Naked candles (except for birthday cakes) are prohibited.
Drawing pins and adhesive tape must not be used on the walls or paintwork. Blue-tack may be used on the gloss paint only. The ceiling is not to have anything attached to it.
Children are not permitted on the stage area and the kitchen. If hirers wish to use the stage they should ask the Booking Secretary who shall make checks and confirm whether this is possible on the selected date.
Hirers shall ensure the 'Departure Checklist' is fulfilled as appropriate to their use of the premises. The departure checklist is found on the table as you come in the door on the left.
Hirers should be responsible for removing any rubbish at the end of their event
Finally, Hirers are asked, to respect those who live in proximity to the Hall and be as quiet as possible when leaving, especially if it is late at night.
Departure Checklist
Kitchen if used
The kitchen including the appliances, cutlery and crockery are left clean and tidy, and returned to original position.
The oven is wiped clean, inside and outside.
Rubbish is removed.
Dishwasher is empty
Fridge is left closed and on
Water heater on the work top is switched off.
The cooker is switched off.
The serving hatch is closed.
Hall and lavatories
When leaving the Hall, Users must ensure that:
Lavatories and sinks are clean and tidy. Overflowing waste bins emptied.
Tables and chairs are wiped over, returned to the Committee Room and stacked correctly. The remaining arm-chairs are stacked 5 high along the side of the hall.
Equipment used is returned to its proper storage place.
Blue-tack is removed.
The hall floor is swept clean of any debris and washed clean of any mud or spillages.
All fire exits and windows are closed.
The thermostat in the main hall is set to 9oC.
Lights are off, including the Committee Room and the Lavatories.
All the switches to the right of the front door are off.
At night press the large circular button, this will provide lighting outside for 7 minutes.
Lock the front doors, ensuring both left and right are locked.
Keys must be returned to the Key Safe immediately after the event finishes.
The Village Hall will hold email and other contact information of its hirers to facilitate communication about their hiring arrangements and the Hall's availability. In compliance with data protection regulations the Hall's Trustees and its Hiring Manager will not communicate this information to others.